Faculty and staff must reset their UNCSA password once every 90 days. Students are advised to reset their password once every 90 days.
Reset my UNCSA password via Microsoft Online
- To reset your password via Microsoft Online, you must first register for Multifactor Authentication (MFA).
- You should be prompted to register for MFA when first attempting to log into your UNCSA email account.
- Once you have registered for MFA, you may now proceed to reset your password online.
Office 365 Password Requirements |
The password requirements for Office 365 are as follows:
• Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
• Passwords can have a maximum of 16 characters.
• Passwords can’t contain the user's account name or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters.
Passwords must contain the following |
• At least one Uppercase letter (A through Z)
• At least one Lowercase letter (a through z)
• At least one Number (0 through 9)
• Special characters are optional: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /
Additional Information
Need additional information or assistance with your password? Submit a ticket or contact 336-770-3300.